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Skilled Visa Point Calculator
This Australia Immigration Skilled Visa Point Calculator 2024 is based on certain selection factors, i.e. age, education, work experience, English proficiency, etc. and it will help calculate your likely score in the Skilled Migration Points test. You would need to score a minimum of 65 points however that is always not enough to be invited to apply. Book a consultation for a detailed assessment and increase your chances of success in the points test.
Total Score:
1. Visa Subclass
Which visa Subclass are you applying for ?
2. Age
Your age at the time of invitation to apply for the visa ?
3. English Language Ability
What are your English Language qualifications at the time of invitation to apply for the visa?
4. Overseas Work Experience
5. Australian Work Experience
6. Educational Qualifications
7. Australian Educational Qualification
8. Designated regional area study
9. Accredited Community Language
Do you hold any one of the following?
- Accreditation at the paraprofessional level or above;
- Certification at the certified provisional level or above;
- A community language credential
10. Partner Qualification
11. Professional Year in Australia

Castle Hill, NSW - 2154